Sunday, December 2, 2012

The ACTUAL First Day of Advent

I was looking for a calendar that showed the first day of Hanukkah this year, and in so doing discover that today is actually the first day of advent. So I was a little overeager. Sue me.

Remember how I said that I might be excited about the coming holiday? That feeling has already begun to wane, what with the realities of economics and parenthood breathing down my neck. I promise that I will persevere though. I am thinking of having a *gasp* Christmas Party! I don't know when, and I don't know how, but I really think I want to do this. Let's call it the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. More to come on that later.

I cannot believe I am actually
entertaining this notion . . . 

In the meantime, I want to tell you all about my new/old/ongoing mission/goal. I decided that it would behoove me to take some time to develop some "systems" for my time. Being unemployed, I find that my days all seem to run together. My life is frittering away and I have nothing to show for it. I need structure. So, like any intelligent young person, I googled my problem. Now I have a series of articles about how to structure my time, as well as a couple of calendars to fill out so I know what I'm supposed to be doing on any given day.

This gives me a little bit of hope. My child on the other hand, robs all that hope away again. Unless she is asleep, which has begun to be a somewhat infrequent event, I can neither make a plan for my time of effectively execute that plan. Calls of "Mommy! Mommy! MOMMY!" constantly beckon. I don't know how all those mommy bloggers do it. They must not sleep.

I am trying to keep a positive attitude and I want to believe that someday, I will make the crossover into the land of adults, but it's feels like an uphill battle. Whoever invented kids must have been a sadist. SADIST!

In the spirit of today's complainy-pants post, I give you:

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