Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A Quick Post and A Christmas Song for the Ages

Today I:

  1. Attempted to make some Christmas candy. This was a fail.
  2. Took that Sprout for a walk. She ran. A lot. I was proud.
  3. Made salt dough ornaments. Now I have to find some paint . . .
  4. Cleaned one side of the kitchen.
  5. Made dinner.
It feels like I did more, but I can't think of anything else at the moment. It is after 10 pm, and j^C has yet to arrive home from work. I am tired. Toward the end of the day, when That Sprout found a Sharpie and colored herself from head to toe (after coloring the comforted, the couch, a pillow, and the floor) I began to lose my patience. I had hoped to do some more house cleaning and Christmas preparations, but it didn't happen. Lame. 

Thankfully, my Christmas spirit was revived a little this morning though, courtesy of Snoop Dogg. I had some other song in mind for today's FPNEPAC, but that's not important anymore. All we need trouble ourselves with today is Santa and Moses. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a bit behind on these.

    Thanks for the vid. Didn't know they had a second season already.

    Also happy to hear you had a proud moment with "that Sprout." Hopefully it was still fresh in your mind when the marker incident was found.
