Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An Open Letter to Steven Page

Dear Steven, 

I will not say that I am your biggest fan, but I am a great admirer. My awareness of Barenaked Ladies and my interest in you began when "Pinch Me" came out. "That singer’s pretty hot, and he's got a great voice," I said. 

Later, as I got more familiar with your body of work, I realized that you were more than some hot guy with a great voice. I think you are one of the most fantastic singer/songwriters working today. Hearing you sing "The Old Apartment" or "Good Boy" makes me weak in the knees. 

That's not to say that I don't think Ed is an equally amazing vocalist - I cannot imagine you singing "Bank Job", for example. Ed kills it. But, as that song is totally his, your songs are totally yours. Ed could probably sing them really well, but it wouldn't be the same; there's only one Steven Page - and you are him.
Imagine my shock and sadness upon learning you had left the group. I don’t keep up with these things as diligently as I should, so when I found out it was already old news. 

I'm not asking you to sacrifice your solo career. I'm not really even asking you to go back to BNL if you are disinclined. I just want you to know that I would miss you if I went to a show and you weren't there. 

I read that you are much happier since leaving the band and for that I am glad. I would never ask anyone to give up their happiness so that maybe I could see the original lineup of BNL. I say maybe because even if you were to rejoin the band, who’s to say you would tour, much less tour to a place where I could make it to a show? 

However, maybe you could consider a reconciliation in the future? I hope you do - but until then, I promise to check out your solo work. I thought your rendition of “Hallelujah” at Jack Layton’s funeral was beautiful and I really loved what I’ve heard from Page One.
Please stay healthy and safe. As much as I would miss Steven Page at a BNL show, I would miss him more if he were gone from this world entirely. In light of the recent death of Whitney Houston and the many deaths that have plagued the music industry in the past several years, I feel compelled to close this letter by letting you know that I love you and I hope you are doing well. 

I know you had some issues with drugs in the past - I hope that you have dealt with this in an appropriate manner. Far be it for me to tell you to quit. God knows, we all have our demons. I just think you should be safe and sane about it. You are far too talented to go off and die on us. You have too much to offer the music, the fans, and the world at large. You do so much good for the world. 

After I was hospitalized for bipolar disorder and I don't know if I would have made it out on the other side without BNL . Thank you for that. Thank you for your honesty about your own struggles, for your voice, for your songs, and for simply being you. The world would be a much darker place without you in it.

Much love,
Uranium J

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