Thursday, June 6, 2013

"I Love Things!" Thursdays - In No Particular Order

I have nothing pithy to say. It's Thursday. I'm still sick. I had a really hard time thinking of what to write. But I did it. I'm going to bed. You can read:

1. The Twilight Zone

Rod Serling, what a mensch! Source.
I started watching The Twilight Zone last week and I've been loving it. Prior to the show's appearance on Netflix, all I knew about the show is what my late neighbor Eleanor told me about it when I was a kid. There was a Twilight Zone TV movie when I was a kid called Rod Serling's Lost Classics, but that wasn't really The Twilight Zone and while it was good, having Rod Serling as the host is so, so much better. Rod Serling, by the by, is one of the most incredible people I have learned about in a while. Long story short: The Twilight Zone was Serling's very health way of dealing with what would now be called post-traumatic stress disorder after fighting in World War II.

2. Collard Greens 
A little grassy, but still tasty and full of nutrients. Source.
So. I decided that I needed more green leafy vegetables in my diet a few weeks ago. I heard Kale was swell for you, so I started making massaged Kale salads. They were good! Score one for health! But apparently, the local Food Lion does not carry Kale. So, I tried collard salads. Also good, and apparently better for you than Kale. I've been eating so many collard greens lately and I'm sure they're helping my health. My liver is thanking me. I even put a handful in a protein shake this morning. It was different, a stange blend of chocolate and grass, but actually really good. More greens, less grains. Onward and downward!

3. Deep Speaks
We are such a classy NPO. Source.
Deep Speaks! was so much fun. I really didn't feel like going, but I am so glad that I did. It's not often I get to hang out in such swanky establishments with a ton of super talented people. The kids were great, the book was great, the venue was great. The pride that the parents felt for the kids, the kids felt for themselves, and the volunteers felt for all of it, was almost tangible. It was so cool. You should have been there. For a more journalistic interpretation of this event check out the story on the local news.

4. David Bowie - "That's Motivation"

Why? Because I need some motivation right now, in light of my ongoing illness, and by George, this is a motivating song. The message - not so savory - but all too true, even today. If you aren't hip, this is a scene from the film Absolute Beginners, based on the book of the same name by Colin MacInnes. It's all about the genesis of the "teenager" in post WWII London. A good book, and a good movie by Julien Temple, a good director. He would later direct two music videos for Duran Duran which makes him OK in my book. That's not important though. Let's just enjoy David Bowie for all that David Bowie is. "That's motivation!"

5.  This Color Scheme
I think that my entire fashion sense is in way or another informed by
Duran Duran. It might be a problem. Source.
I went shopping with That Cunt today and while I didn't have the funds to buy new clothes, I did have a lot of fun looking at things I would buy, if I could. The only problem with this was the fact that if I'd had money, I would have come away with an armload of clothes that were the same colors as this album color. I gravitated to all that was hot pink, especially if it was paired with gray or black. I was really excited when all three colors were involved in one piece! In high school, I was all about black and more black. Since then, I've been on a green and purple kick with a little pink and black when I could find it. Any way you look at it, all of my clothes wind up looking very similar, and there's not a lot of color variation. I'm apparently scared of blues and I while I like yellow, yellow doesn't like me. I suppose it could be worse though. At least my fashion sense is directed by one of the most fashionable bands ever. I could be designing my look based on

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