Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Free For All - Things I Love to Talk About A-Z

See, I'm not so cynical. Source
Today's Friday Free For All concept was stolen from Julie at one of my favorite blogs: Peanut Butter Fingers. I give you Things I Love to Talk About A-Z! Instead of just listing the simple things that make me happy, like Julie did, I am listing the that I should start writing more about, because it's best to work on things you love, yes? I've already got some great ideas swimming around in my head. I just need to make some time to start working on them. Also, it's Friday, and that means I can do something fun. Right now, lists are fun, so here you are!

Things I Love to Talk About A-Z

A - Anne Rice and Asparagus Soup - They tied.
B - Body Image
C - Crescent City and Cats. Also, Cassadega.
D - Duran Duran! Duran Duran! Duran Duran!
E - Elder Care
F - First Person Narrative
G - Gender Politics (There's a high concept for you)
H - History - Micro and Macro
I - Interconnection of Ideas in Music, Film, Art, and Literature (The Spider Web)
J - John, Elton
K - Kane, Citizen
L - Law, of the Copyright and Public Domain varieties.
M - Music and Motion Picture History
N - Normalcy, and How it Doesn't Exist, Not Really
O - Orson Welles
P - Pop Culture, Palatka, and Pensacola. Poetry - not so much.
Q - Queer Theory and My Theory on Why We Maybe Shouldn't Call it That
R - Robots. I love robots.
S - Speculative Fiction? Screenplays?
T - Time  Travel
U - Unity Mitford, Because She's Interesting
V - Volunteering and Violence
W - Wilde, Oscar
X - Xanatos Gambit
Y - Yoga
Z - Zen

So, yes. That should keep me busy for quite a while. In the meantime, I have some Uranium J updates for you!

Eins! Did you know that your local library probably has access to research databases and that you can search them from home? Me neither, until today! Now I have a shiny new library card and the ability to start working on some academic writing, if I am so inclined.

Zwei! I got my business cards! Pictures will be posted soon.

Drei! Deep training went well on Saturday and Sunday. I have been placed with my teaching partner, and I am all set to starting teaching with the program on the first Monday of October. I am so excited!

Vier! I'm gonna go see The Possession tonight. Oh yeah.

So, yeah, that's about it.

What are your favorite things to talk about? Do you have any updates you want to share? Comment! Comment! Comment!


  1. I like to talk about a variety of things but right now I have an update, but I'm not sure I should mention it for fear that you too will fall into the trap. I've been playing with the new Bacon Number feature on Google. Don't do it if you value your time. It's a time vortex, sucking it all up while you frantically try to think of some obscure actor just so you can try to beat it, or at least get above 4. It's not easy. Save yourself while you can!

    1. I couldn't find one over 3. This tells me that I need to know Kevin Bacon. Call ME!

  2. ... Did you take Tomso's Sexuality and Gender Theory class? I usually don't have an issue remembering what it was I read for class, and taking a quiz a few days later. But, Tomso? He wants my brain to explode. Like, poof.

    1. No. I took Tomso for Critical Theory and AmLit 1. Thereafter, I was convinced that he was the devil himself. If I ever hear the word "rigor" again, the speaker will soon be experiencing rigor mortis. If hard teachers are battle axes, then he's effing iron sides himself!

  3. I like talking about body image, gender politics, Interconnection of Ideas in Music, Film, Art, and Literature, Time Travel & Yoga, too. I'm going to have to create my own blog post based on your Friday Free For All!

  4. When I am talking with friends, as I have recently discovered, we tend to mostly talk about other times that we have spent together. It sounds lame, but I guess since I spend a lot of my social time intoxicated I often learn a lot of things when we sit down and review. So either we are doing fun drunk things or having a verbal review of the previous drunk fun times.
