Friday, March 23, 2012

Salieri Cuts a Rug (Part 5)

Dear Friends and Gentle Readers: 

This is Part 5 of a longer piece that I have written. If you missed the first part, there's a link to it down below. I think it wise to break it up into sections, fear easier consumption. Thank you for coming along with me on my journey through the world of dance and as I navigate the new territory of serial blog entries. I think we'll do this again. It was a blast! 

Salieri Cuts a Rug (Part 1) 
Salieri Cuts a Rug (Part 2) 
Salieri Cuts a Rug (Part 3) 
Salieri Cuts a Rug (Part 4) 

Salieri Cuts a Rug (Part 5)

My dancing days dwindled after high school. I got into the concert scene, and I wanted to shake my ass in front of the stage, but I quickly learned that the people who did that were the "weird" people at shows, and I did not want to be that guy. The exception to this rule is Duran Duran, because if I am at one of their shows, I am going to enjoy every minute of it and damn the naysayers.

You're the meaning in my (dance) life. You're the inspiration.
I digress. The next time I was called upon to learn a dance was my last semester in college. I was an RA and for training, each staff was required to do a dance number at the retreat. Or something. It was stupid. The chicken dance was involved. Thankfully, it was so ridiculously easy that I was able to learn the steps in record time. We did not win anything though.

It was at this point that I met my other incredibly talented dancer friend, Captain Tesla. She lived and worked in the residence hall with me, and as we became friends, I learned that she did ballet and point. Maybe point indicates ballet in that statement, I'm not sure.

Captain Tesla has very strong opinions about ballet slippers.

I am sad to say the only time I have witnessed Captain Tesla dance was at the honors ball, where I saw her dance to "Thriller" as per the music video. It was awesome. I have also seen a couple of videos from her ballet career, which makes me proud to call her my friend. I am not jealous of Captain Tesla's ability to dance, just amazed by it. That may be what defines friendship - gracefully transcending jealousy.

By the by, I am a very jealous person. Indeed. It's a very nasty trait that stems from a deep seeded self-loathing. Also, I don't like being bad at things. These two things are a dangerous combination and they most often come into play when I am trying some new physical activity. Like dancing.

I see myself like Salieri in regard to dance. I can recognize talent. I desire to have that talent, but it is forevermore out of my grasp. But still, I try. I just dance when no one is watching.

Thanks for sticking with me all week! Questions?  What did you think? Are you a lousy dancer too, or can you really cut a rug? Let me know in the comments!

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