Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What I'm Working on Now in January 2015

I have a lot of writerly things going on in my life right now, and I bet you are wondering what all those are. Me too, actually. In order that I might share my work with you (and so that I can get an idea of how erratic my writing life really is) I'm going to list it all out here today. There are kitties because I like them.

Daily Journal Pages

I love eating birds and mices. But mostly fishies in bowl. Easier to catch. Image
I decided that I wanted to fill up a regular sized composition book every month with my personal thoughts. This is not only a diary of my day and the things I think. I am also using these pages to track what I eat, keep track of my goals, and plan my day each day. Yesterday was the 6th day I wrote in the thing, and I feel really good about what I'm doing. My only concern is that I seem to have married myself to the idea of "3 pages a day". I have written neither more nor less and I think that might be a little confining.

The Dragon Story

Kitty thinks that story about cat who thinks is dragon would be better. Image
Through my daily writing in the journal I have begun to germinate the idea about the hoarders and the dragon. At this time I see it being a longer short story, but who knows what will actually come of it. I hope to have a first draft written by this time next week.

The Vengeance Story

How should I kill bad guy? Bad kibbles? Image
The idea for this story came to me yesterday morning as I was driving That Sprout to school. A young woman dies under mysterious circumstances. Her ex boyfriend and childhood best friend team up in order to find out what really happened and ultimately avenge her death. This one is set in a town very much like Crescent City, Florida with all of the Southern Gothic elements that setting has to offer. There will be blood. There will be guns. There will be gators.


You are overwhelmed by writing? I am not impressed. Image
This is the novel that I have been picking away at for over a year. It is about a woman who discovers that her famous ex-boyfriend has died and goes on a journey to pay her respects and come to terms with her loss. Right now I am doing some research in order to make my job easier later. I think I want to set a goal of one new chapter a week. Honestly, the task of writing an novel has begun to feel very overwhelming.

The Non-Fiction and the Short Stories

My lit mag no require revision. Prose best when raw. Like fishies. Image
I have a lot of Non-Fiction pieces and Short Stories that are in desperate need of revision. I tried working on this sometime back in September and got nowhere. I think I was over thinking it. So, it's all just sitting there, taunting me by being unfinished. I am going to buckle down and really try to work through it over the next month. If I could get to a second draft for 10 of them, I feel like I would have a great sense of accomplishment.

The Blog

I has 11 hits today. That good, right? Image
I'm trying to write something meaningful here every day. That could be going better. Time management is a good thing to have. I mean, if I was just writing down my thoughts and feelings like in the journal, blogging would be no sweat. But I'm trying to produce thematic, engaging, viable content EVERY DAY. It's not easy. But practice leads to improvement, so here we are.

First Person Narrative Writing Services/Atomic Writing Services

It say here kitties no pay taxes. Why I save birdbath receipts? Image
This refers to the writing business I am trying to make happen in 2015. I have not yet decided on a name, but I have created a list of services I plan to offer and a price list. Before I start taking on clients I need to talk to an accountant and get myself a brand logo. This is an ongoing project. For the next 5 weeks I will be taking a class for small business owners at the local library. After that I hope to have more of an idea about what I'm actually doing.

So, that's about it. I will keep you posted with updates and excerpts as they become available.

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