Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 Resolutions and Goals

Happy New Year! I made a video! 
It really doesn't warrant that level of enthusiasm, but hey, I am of an enthusiastic nature. 

I made the mistake of not writing down what I thought all my resolutions and goals were before making the video, but they say that vlogging is a learning process. It feels like the internet is an ongoing learning process for me, yet I somehow know more than everyone else I know. It's strange to be both an expert and an idiot in the same field.

Anyway, here are some things I'm excited for in 2015:

  • Making some $$$ 
  • Volunteering
  • Weekly and Monthy Goals (Instead of Big, Scary, New Year's Resolutions)
  • Getting Healthy
  • Getting Organized
  • Writing

I think I said all that in the video, but I thought it best to reiterate. But how am I going to do all that, you ask?

Making $$$
Initially, I had planned to perform Elvira's "Spell for Reeking Moola", but since that yielded a big fat snake instead of big fat stacks, I've decided to begin offering my services as an editor and writer. I will be adding prices and a detailed list of services on the blog before this time next week. I've recently become involved in a networking organization called Fayetteville Divas which I hope will point me in the right direction as far as being an independent business woman. Lots of people are interested in what I do, so I think I'm on the right track.

Through the Fayetteville Divas I have become aware of a local non-profit called Ways 2 Love Fayetteville. Basically, if you want to volunteer they will hook you up with an organization that needs volunteers. I am going to contact them this week about starting a creative writing program at the nursing home they are affiliated with. I have done a lot of thinking over the past few months and I keep coming back to two interests: seniors and writing. I think it's time I marry these interests and help some people.

Weekly and Monthly Goals
Don't get me wrong. I have a master list of everything I want to get done between now and December 31. But after years of setting goals and failing to meet them, I have realized that I need to break my goals down into tiny little pieces. Digestible nuggets that I can accomplish. Hence the weekly and monthly goals. I am so excited about this, mostly because I feel like I can't not succeed. I need more success in my life.

Getting Healthy
I have a personal trainer. I have a nutrition guy. I have a gym at my apartment complex. I have all sorts of apps to track things. I have a StickK account that will send $5 to a charity I hate every time I don't stick to one of my goals. I have a cadre of supportive friends in my corner. If I don't get healthy this year, it's through willful disobedience.

Getting Organized
This one is all about the FLY Lady. You don't know about the FLY Lady? You should totally know about the FLY Lady. She is all about eliminating CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome). I need less CHAOS in my life. I started today by shining my sink and I am totally ready to take things one day at a time until I look around and find that things are not out of control. By this time next year I could have a usable office! 

Last, but not least, there's the writing. I am going to finish my novel this year. I am going to get published this year. I am going to develop a consistent writing practice this year. I have the tools. I have the technology. I have the support. I don't have my stellar writing group anymore, but I am going to reach out to them this week and see if there's not some way that I can participate from afar. I have people who believe in me and my voice. I am going to do this. And that's what this blog is about, after all. Me, doing this. My First Person Narrative. 

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome Joyce! You go girl!! I'm SO excited for you <3 We're gonna rock out 2015!!!
