Thursday, February 7, 2013

"I Love Things!" Thursdays - The One With the Cheapness

Alright ya'll, this is gonna be quick and dirty.

1. The Writing
I don't believe in pencils. Or spiral notebooks. More on that later. Source
I have written more since the beginning of the year than I wrote in all of 2012, maybe even all of 2011 and 2012 combined. I have been very reflective, and as such I have a lot to say, but I've also been so motivated by the people I know in Deep. Being around like minded people has really gotten the creative juices flowing in my little lizard brain. In addition to my Deep people, I've had the opportunity to engage with some really inspiring people lately and nothing makes me want to write more than long and interesting conversations. They exercise my brain. I'm gettin' gains. So thanks to all those people who've been indulging me in conversations about tinfoil spaceships, Milton, Dante, and Jonathan Edwards. I've got a lot to write about, lemme tell you.

2. 2 for $1 Black Eyeliner
But soon, dear children, I'll be upgrading to Mary Kay eyeliner.
Like a boss. Source
This is kind of silly, but I lose eyeliner pencils like some people lose pens. It's nice to know that I can head down to my brand new, local Family Dollar and pick up two for a buck. Also, stationary for a dollar? Yes please. Maybe I'm more excited about the Family Dollar than the eyeliner itself. Because I am so classy.

3. Lizzy Crickets
It's not as insipid as it looks. Source
This is just another jumpy bounce house, but I love it because it's in Hinesville, it's small, and That Sprout will actually  go play in there without me having to follow her around. This I like. I can then take a seat at the parents table and get some writing done. It doesn't hurt that this place is pretty darn cheap. I like cheap. I shop at Family Dollar, remember? The other great thing is the location. I don't like to go to Hinesville if I can help it. The only reason to go is Uncommon Grounds and it seems pretty silly to drive half an hour for a cup of coffee. I mean, it's a great cup of coffee, but still. Now, I can take That Sprout to jump, write for an hour or so, and then hit the coffee shop on the way home. Genius, I know.

4. Michael Collins
I want him for my daguerreotype boyfriend.  Source
I have loved Michael Collins since the ninth grade, but I love so many things, you see, that my passion and fervor for each one tends to wax and wane. Presently my love for Michael Collins is waxing. A great man who did great things for Ireland, Michael Collins was a hero and a martyr. Although he looked very fine in that military uniform up there he was so much more than that. He was a diplomat and a brilliant strategist at guerrilla warfare. That man, dear friends and gentle readers, was able to bring England to her knees and secure a free state for Ireland. Sure, that's what eventually got him killed, what with the IRA wanting a united Ireland and all, but I believe that he did the best he could with what he had to work with. He did more than anyone else had up to that point. Sadly, all his troubles wound eventually cost him his life. There's so much more I could say, but I'm in a hurry. I love Ireland and I love Mick Collins.

5. Nelly - Country Grammar
Sometimes I just need to bask in the glory that is The Dirty South. Today was one of those days. If you don't believe me, listen to "Batter Up". It'll turn your frown upside down. Gay-run-teed.

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