Wednesday, August 1, 2012

VEDA 2012 and Uranium J's Foot in Mouth Disease

I decided on a whim to participate in VEDA 2012 today. It was a good day to make this decision as today is the first day. VEDA stands for Vlog Ever Day in August. It's supposed to help you learn about blogging, vlogging, and meet fellow bloggers/vloggers. I'm pretty excited about it, and now, for the next 31 days you will be hearing from me daily. How exciting! Here's my VEDA debut, which is way to long. You may be asking yourself "Why didn't you post the video on here? Why did you link to it instead?" Because I don't know how. Yet. This is the learning part I guess. I hope there's a curve. With any luck, over the next month you will see tremendous improvement and I will finally have attained my goal of becoming famous on the interwebs. Shut up. I can dream.

In other news, I don't know if I mentioned that I am set to start grad school in a few weeks. It will be online at a very conservative Christian college. I read their student code of conduct today and have decided that it's best that I never mention the name of the college on this blog. It might be best not to talk about my studies at all, but we shall see as things unfold. I just want to get my teaching certification and get in a classroom. I want to make kids excited about Shakespeare and the Bronte Sisters. I want to grade essays and have show and tell. It won't be long now, as long as I keep my nose to the grindstone.

I . . . sense I've gone too far. Source

This brings me to my big story for today. Yesterday, I was regaling someone I had just met with my lofty ideas of becoming a teacher. In so doing I realized something about myself: I need a social life. This was yet another "duh" moment rather than an "aha" one. I have a grand total of 2 friends in my local area. They are both pregnant, and as such I see them somewhat infrequently. I talk to Mojo JoJo every weekday, but there's really no face time involved there. I see j^C for an average of four hours a day. The rest of my time is spent with the beans and That Sprout. They are not great conversationalists and I am starved for adult society.

I am so starved that I've begun to realize that when I am around adults I come on way too strong. I want so badly to just talk to people that I tend to

  • talk too long
  • talk too much
  • talk too animatedly
  • talk too loud , and
  • talk about things no one wants to hear about
In the past two days, sadly I can highlight four instances of this happening. That's pretty bad.

The first was while I was at Target yesterday. I have become friendly with the pharmacy staff there, and I take the Sprout by to say hello whenever I am in the store. I really wanted to say "I have become friends with the pharmacy staff", but there's no exchanging of phone numbers and I've yet to be invited out for coctails. My brain can't really accept this though, so without realizing it I tend to drag out these casual conversations until they are awkwardly ended because the pharmacist actually has work to do. Such was the case yesterday. I'm talking about fursomide, then my dog, then weight loss, then we're ringing up my stuff and I realize I don't have my debit card, then awkward "I'm so sorry, I can't believe I left it," and a hasty retreat.

Next was the aforementioned regaling of someone I had just met. During that conversation I mentioned being on medication that "keep me from wanting to kill myself, but make me want to eat and sleep all the time". I heard the words coming out of my mouth and it was too late to shove them back in. Then we began talking about books. Big mistake. I told her she should read The Color Purple which apparently she had never heard of. This prompted me to describe the Shug Avery "God's Tryin' to Tell You Somethin'" scene with much gusto, animation, and goosebumps. I'm sure no one cared. I should also add that this woman was j^C's direct boss. Not a good look. This was all after his head boss shook my hand and said "Hello Mrs. C" to which I tersly replied "It's Ms. U". I think I enjoy the taste of my own foot.

The Target Pharmacy scene was repeated again today as I had to go back and actually buy the things from yesterday. This was followed by a pleasant conversation with a barrista that just felt like it went on too long. Ugh. I have got to get some friends. I bombard everyone I meet with words. I suffer from pressure of speech. Shit like that makes people not want to be your friend. It's almost like it's a vicious cycle. And people wonder why I'm so interested in celebrity news and gossip. It's like having friends, but not.

I will end this on an up note though. I plan to go to every extra curricular activity I can from now on. Maybe by doing so I'll learn how to act around people again.

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