Saturday, November 28, 2015

NaNoWriMo: Day 28

On her way back to Putnam County, Stella had a lot of time to think about the way that her parents had treated her. She knew that she had made the right decision, but the tears kept coming anyway. It felt like she had lost a piece of herself that morning when she had been banished by her father. She knew that until he could come to terms with his own issues surrounding Buckley that she could never go home again. She could never see her sister or her nephew and while she knew that being with Buckley was more than worth it, the thoughts that were flooding her mind all at once were threatening to drive her to the edge of her sanity.
            She sobbed the entire way to Buckley’s trailer and after knocking on the door, collapsed into his arms and told him what had happened. Not wanting his mother to start asking too many questions and of course wanting to get her to a calm place – he put her back into her car and drove her home to her apartment. Once there, he carried her to her bed and lay with her while she told him everything that had happened. Most importantly, he listened to her cry, stroked her hair, and gently kissed her forehead while she did. He let her cry, which in this moment is what she needed the most.
            When she was spent and could cry no more, he held her.
            “It’s going to be alright,” he whispered.
            “I know. I just hurts.”
            “It’s going to hurt. It’s supposed to hurt. They hurt you. You’re allowed to feel the way you’re feeling.”
            She looked up into his eyes and forced a smile. “Why can’t they just let me love you.”
            “You don’t need their permission. You want their blessing. That’s different. You’re probably never going to get it. You are just going to have to learn to be strong and live your life for you, Stella. You don’t need anyone’s approval but your own. You aren’t doing anything wrong and you aren’t hurting anyone.”
            “Aren’t I hurting them?”
            “They’re hurting themselves. And they’re hurting you. And for what it’s worth, I’m really proud of you for sticking up to them finally. You are being really brave.”
            “I don’t feel very brave.”
            “Because I’m a blubbering mess.”
            “I still think you’re brave.” He said as he kissed her cheek.
            She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. “I love you, Buckley. You know that, right?”
            “I love you.” he replied as he held her tighter. “Always.”

            Stella was very sad in the week leading up to New Year’s Eve, but she got on a party dress and put on a brave face in order to greet her friends when the time for the party at Herlin Hall came.  There was a great deal of excitement surrounding the fact that Lottie was bringing the rough cut of the documentary she had made about the gators and was planning on showing it at the party that night. Rhodes couldn’t wait to see the film, but he was also excited to see Lottie again. Sadly, married life hadn’t changed him all that much. He was still a cad at heart, although at that point he had remained faithful to Selena.

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